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06 April 2010


Fran Dowd Sofa

Thanks for that, a detailed report of lots of things I failed to get to! I remember you from the whisky afternoon, and was impressed by your contributions. (If you like Nik's style, she is Chair of Illustrious, the Eastercon for 2011 - big plug there.)


Thanks for your comment! You've just reminded me that I forgot to provide a link for the next one! (And Nik might end up breaking me out of my every-other-year habit :D ).

Donna Scott

Excellent report - I also missed lots of that! Dreading writing up mine, I have no time at all until the weekend!


I thought that was you. You were sitting on the second or third row, left of centre :) Sorry I didn't say Hi. A full write up if all the reccomendations I noted down from the Comics panel should be going on http://community.livejournal.com/scratch_uk/ in the next couple of days.

I don't think I saw you outside of the panel though. Sorry! Missed a lot of people.

p.s. I am also a book sniffer. A brand new full colour 100 page comic collection; bleah. A yellowing 1950's anthology; Mmmmm. I did mean to write a fazine article on this once.


Excellent write up - I love reading other people's reports and seeing where they overlap and differ from my experience! (You went to a lot of the panels I wanted to see but missed because there was something even more fascinating elsewhere...)

If I'd seen you, I'd've saud hHi as one Smartie to another..


Thank you so much for this report. Even though it seemed that we had unbelievably synchronized programme, You managed to visit one or two items that I missed. And the ones we shared You definately discribe with quite accuracy. Well done!


Dave: I know what it's like with all this - we start thinking 'where do I know them from?' or get otherwise distracted. I'll wave hi next time :)

Sanna - we did seem to have an awfully synchronised schedule, right down to eating and the loos! :D

Marjorie, thanks for your comment (your report was also really good). What kind of Smart do you drive?

Richard Crawshaw

Very interesting report; thank you for recording it and in so much detail.

Regarding the "two gophers decide to sweep the stage during the talk"; that was the chief tech person and one of his assistants. The problem was that the preceding item was the pyrotechnics which created far more mess than expected: the stage was covered with exploded apple, talc and fake blood. There was no time to clean it up between the items, particularly since it took three people half-an-hour to get the cleaning equipment out of the hotel! It couldn't easily be held over because of potential health and safety. It was just one of those things at cons that don't quite go right!


I think it would have been less Monty Python if the GOH and his interviewer would have had an advance warning (at least it appeared from the audience that they didn't know what the heck was going on when the sweeping commenced...). Don't worry though - it just adds flavour to the experience! :D

Richard Crawshaw

I thought they had been given a warning that it would happen at some point before they went on stage. But I don't know for certain, I was doing the blue arsed fly impression trying to get a mop out of the hotel! Hopefully next time there's a big messy item there'll already be a mop and bucket to deal with it! ;-)


Now I've got this Fawlty Towers-image in my head... :D


Thank you! I have a Black 'Pure' - 7 years old now, although I still think of him as my 'new' car, because it's the only car I've ever owned which wasn't sencond hand.

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