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17 January 2010



WOW!! This is really creative!! :)

Your blog makes me happy!!

Check out the award you got at my blog! :)


Kawai! I've been waiting for warmer weather, so I could make some epic snow-sculpture, but no such luck. We have so much snow this year, and our front yard is just begging for some neighbourhood-scaring action. Snowmonsters and giant tentacles! Powered by hot chocolate with alcohol!

Richard Peacock

Hi Pia, I too have a blog www.richardpeacock.us and consider myself a, poet, singer, songwriter and somewhat of a philosopher... I found your blog while searching google.com for photos of Crowborough England. This is my fathers home town where he was born. I see you have Toronto listed here, is that Canada? Anyway, I enjoy your blog and will be returning to read more in the near future. I also have a book which I am extremely proud of "Symbols Of Love" it is on Amazon.com as well! I will look you up and see if I can add you as a contact there! Take care, Richard :O)

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