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20 June 2009



Well, Juhannus was cold and rainy this year (as it is always). I was in a party at friend of a friend and one of the guys I did not know twise mooned at passing tourist ships. I drank a bottle of Koskenkorva and everyone else was totally drunk too. We did not set a bonfire, but we did have an open fire, and I almost fell in it. No one in our party fell to the lake or got themselves drowned otherwise. When we were leaving, there were little baby bunnies hopping around in the parking lot.

I hope this makes you less sentimental about Juhannus. And since this is how all finnish summertime parties go, Juhannus or not, maybe you feel less sentimental about the whole summer. Because if you're not doing this, someone else in your neibourghood is. Loudly. All summer. And eventually someone will be driving drunk over the cute baby bunnies.


Ahh, yes, even the word "Koskenkorva" helps me to remember one of the reasons I left Finland in the first place. :D Thank you for the perspective!

Still, I wish I could get those ice cream sandwiches...


Don't they have those ice cream sandwichies aboard? Really! I've always been a fan of licourice of tar ice cream, but now I almost feel combelled to go out and buy one Buffet!

What's wrong with Koskenkorva? It's good for you!


No, you can't get anything quite like them. Lidl has something similar, but not as nice. Ben & Jerry's ice cream sandwiches are large, sugary chocolate-chip cookies with ice cream in the middle. Lovely, but not the same (and for some reason very hard to find). TIME TO LAUNCH PUFFET TO UK! :D

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