Timo played a really cruel trick on me recently.
He bought FireFly and Serenity on DVD and made me (yes, forced me!) to start watching. He thought I might like them. Well, he was wrong.
I fell in love with them instead.
The fucker! After getting caught up in the characteristic Joss Whedon layers of emerging and intriguing stories, ready to bubble into the surface... I get told, sorry, you'll never find out how they'll develop. Will they, won't they? Does River lose it completely, or will she now become the best pilot in the known universe? What was all that about Book's past? How... when... who?
We watched couple of episodes a night, finally finishing with the film yesterday evening, and then, it was all over. I sat on the floor, forlorn, repeatedly mewling: I want more FlyFly.
This is indeed, a cruel and hard world. And there are too many moronic American TV executives who should have their innards fed to them in some peppery sauce.
Theme from Firefly
Take my love.
Take my land.
Take me where I cannot stand.
I don’t care, I’m still free.
You can’t take the sky from me.Take me out
to the black.
Tell ‘em I ain’t comin’ back.
Burn the land and boil the sea.
You can’t take the sky from me.Have no place
I can be
Since I found Serenity.
But you can’t take the sky from me.Words & Music by Joss Whedon
Performed by Sonny Rhodes.
Saying hello to a lovely lady.
Take Care
Posted by: Michael | 01 July 2006 at 18:19
Hi again, Michael :)
Posted by: Nukapai | 01 July 2006 at 22:54
funny. i just saw it this past weekend also. and was pretty upset as well.
Posted by: rza | 05 July 2006 at 22:03
And, hey, that's a bizarre coincidence! Maybe it's because the DVDs just came out, hmm? ;) I wish I could beat the person who cancelled that show upside the head. Yeah.
Posted by: Nukapai | 06 July 2006 at 22:11
=) good to be in touch with you folks again, even if it is through a blog!
Did you wind up liking Kushiel's Dart? Shoot me an email!
Posted by: rza | 09 July 2006 at 15:45
Been away, so this comment is a bit late.
I bought the Firefly dvd based solely on the buzz the series created in mags like SFX, as I don't have satellite TV, so hadn't seen it broadcast. Like you, I adored it and can't understand why anyone would cancel it. If there was any justice, it would go on for 9 or 10 seasons.
Oh well.
Serenity was excellent too, so maybe Joss will get the chance to tell more of the story in the future. There is also a Serenity graphic novel (written by Joss), if you're interested, telling a bit more of the story, post-Firefly, pre-Serenity.
Posted by: AlisonK | 09 July 2006 at 19:12
Rza, if you come back to read this: drop me a line at [email protected] (My old laptop has frazzled a bit along with Outlook... siiiigh). :)
AlisonK: Thank you for that info! I would love to get hold of that!
Posted by: Nukapai | 11 July 2006 at 20:48