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08 May 2006



May I disagree, my dear? Just play back these Finnish entries, for example:
- 1975, Pihasoittajat, Old Man Fiddle
- 1977, Monica Aspelund, Lapponia
- 1998, Edea, Aava.

Definitely a folkish element there... but no success anyway! ;-)


Ughhh... okay, some, old, horrid, forgotten entries MAY have had a folk-ish element, but let's not talk about those. Definitely not as bad as Norway. :p

St Jude

Isn't an absence of a sense of humour a pre-requisite for being a Eurovision Judge?

I haven't watched Eurovision for some years now, but obviously this year it will be essential viewing.


Well that sounds like it might make Eurovision worth watching before the cheesy voting begins!

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